How I prepared before, during, and after PRP injections

I have recently completed three sessions of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections to help restore the hair I have lost from androgenic alopecia. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I go over my hair loss journey and all about how PRP injections saved my hair in a blog post here.

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How I prepped BEFORE

Before I started my injections, I knew that I needed to be as healthy as possible with a good immune system. Here is how I did it:

How I cared for my hair DURING

During my three month injection process, it was so important to keep my scalp clean and immune system supported. In addition to continuing what is outlined above, I began doing the following:

  • Used the Ace + Acre detox and gua sha combo to keep my scalp clean and ready for new hair to pop through

  • Ate superfood packed soups with lentils, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.

  • Stopped using hair spray, dry shampoo, and anything else that might “clog” my scalp

  • Weekly hair masks

  • Stopped pulling my hair back as often so that they is as little as possible stress on my scalp

  • Washed my hair when it was dirty and not let it get too oily

  • Decrease alcohol intake (it is not advised you drink during the treatments, I had maybe a couple of glasses of wine the entire three months)

  • No bleach or dye on my hair at all

How I care for my hair NOW

Now that I have results from my PRP injections and feel more confident than ever, I am doing everything I can to maintain my healthy hair growth. I have continued doing everything I outlined above as well as:

  • Use a light weight oil on my ends to help my current hair grow long and strong

  • Only straighten or curl my hair a couple times a week and keep the tool temperature below 340 degrees

  • Keep my hair tangle free and brush it every morning/night

  • Don’t let any bleach or dye touch my scalp

I can’t wait to watch as my hair continues to grow in healthy and strong. My goals moving forward are to continue the above things and be gentle with my scalp.


Spending my birthday in the Palace of Versailles


My hair loss story + How PRP injections saved my hair