Newborn Essentials

I have recently became a new mommy! In July, we welcomed our first baby, Leo.

We kept the gender a secret until delivery. If you are expecting or plan to have babies in the future, I can’t say enough how exciting it was to not know the gender. It was the ultimate surprise. There are not many positive surprises in life—and definitely not as grand and special as this.

Not knowing the gender didn’t deteriorate the baby shopping or preparing experience either. It actually made the process a lot easier and saved us a lot of money. We didn’t spend a ton on gender specific clothing and instead only bought around 10 outfits in various sizes (newborn – three months). If you keep up with laundry, this is plenty!

Now, let’s talk about the main essentials that I found most beneficial during the newborn stage. These are just what I liked most through the newborn stage. As he has gotten older, these items have changed a little bit. Let me know if you would like lists for different ages! You can also get by with just a car seat, a bassinet, and some diapers.

As a first time mom, these products made the newborn stage enjoyable!

The essentials:


Our first family trip to Colorado