How to prevent jet lag

I have experienced a lot of jet lag and I am here to help you learn how to prevent this from happening to you.

Jet lag happens when our internal clock becomes out of sync when we jump time zones.

This doesn’t happen just when you fly to new countries. I have had jet lag from traveling to Colorado and Washington.

While my jet lag wasn’t as severe as jumping several time zones when traveling to a new country, it was still there.

Here are my tips for preventing your jet lag:

Wake up and go to sleep according to your new time zone AS SOON as you get there.

When in Italy, we arrived at 10am in Rome (which is 5am at home). I had maybe three hours of sleep on the plane and wanted to do nothing more than sleep but I couldn’t. We spent the entire day exploring. At about 6pm, I started feeling incredibly tired. So tired that I fell asleep for a few seconds while sitting on a rock inside the Colosseum. But because we managed to stay awake until 10pm, the rest of the trip was totally fine. You just have to get through the first day.

After highshool, I took my first trip to Europe and just slept when I was tired instead of acclimating. Worst decision ever. I stayed jet lagged the entire trip.

And just like you did going there, you need to follow this rule coming home. This was even harder on return flights because by the time we got home, I had been awake for 30 some hours.

Below is a picture Trent took me when we landed in France. I was immediately woken up and reminded that I can’t sleep haha

Drink a lot of water and carb up.

Skip the inflight booze and instead drink as much water as you possibly can. Not only does flying dehydrate you but it also makes your skin dry. Drinking water will help decrease bloat, help you sleep better on the plane (or in the car), help regulate your digestive system, and just keep you overall healthy while traveling.

I always eat a bunch of carbs first thing to give me energy (and because I just love carbs). Get your belly full and I promise you will feel 100% better.

After the image of me sleeping in France was taken, we went to lunch, even though I felt so bad. Once I ate, I was ready to party and go go go!

Get comfy on the way to your destination.

I have found that if I can make myself comfortable and relaxed on the way to where I am going, it helps me feel SO much better when I arrive.

For an overnight flight:

  • Brush my teeth before “bed” and when I wake up

  • Wash my face before “bed” and apply my skincare just like I would any other day

  • Change into a new shirt and/or shorts before sleeping

  • Change into a new pair of underwear as soon as we arrive (I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wear the same pair for two days)

Just by following these simple hygiene rules that I would just like at home, it helps me feel so refreshed when we land.

When I am flying in general regardless of how long:

  • Sanitize my space with wipes so I feel more comfortable to stretch out

  • Eat a balanced meal before my flight so I don’t get low blood sugar

  • Bring a neck pillow and head phones

  • Pre-download Netflix movies on my phone

Doing these things may seem simple but if I can stay comfortable, catch a little nap, and arrive feeling clean, it makes all the difference.

Photo taken in my first class seat to France! Click here to read about my first class experience.

How you fight jet lag? Let me know in the comments!


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