How to travel like the rich and famous (without actually being rich and famous)

If your idea of traveling is staying in questionable, roadside motels and eating at the same restaurants you have back home, this blog post is not for you (sorry, not sorry).

If your idea of traveling is having a completely stress-free, dreamy, looks-just-like-the-photos-off-Pinterest, makes you want to start a blog about the experience kind of traveling, you are most definitely in the right place (welcome, friends). 

 We all have our versions of traveling. Some prefer to stuff a few changes of clothes into a backpack. Some can’t get by with no less than a checked bag, carry on, and 75% of what they own while traveling. The later option is me. If it is you too, again, you are in the right place.

I wish I could say there was a time that I didn’t have high travel standards. To be honest, I have always been this way. I blame the Puerto Rico vacation that my dad’s company took us on when I was eight years old. It was my first real travel experience. I remember being on the plane (in economy), watching them wheel up giant ice cream sundaes and steak dinners. I asked where mine was only to be greeted with the cruel reality that the special treats were reserved for first class only. As I was tossed my mini pack of peanuts, I vowed that one day I would experience first class. My promise to myself came true last summer when we flew first class to France. Read the experience here.

Flying home from Puerto Rico circa 2003

After the 5-star resort experience, there was no going back. My taste for the finer things in life officially began.

While I haven’t always been able to afford the first-class tickets and stays at Palaces, I have found solitude in creating my own versions of luxury travel (not always with a hefty price tag). What’s the saying… “design the life you want to live”? 

How to travel like the rich and famous (without actually being rich and famous)

Keep in mind that not everything on the list may be possible depending on your own personal, financial circumstances. 

Splurge on hotels

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I LOVE fancy hotels. From the smell of the lobby to the extravagant toiletries (that we all know you’ll be smuggling in your bag home), staying somewhere nice can make or break your travel experience.

9 out 10 times, the first thing you do when you arrive to your final destination is check into your hotel. Now imagine you are visiting a new place. You finally arrive in ______ (fill in the blank). Your flight was delayed, your baggage got lost somewhere two time zones away, you haven’t eaten since breakfast, your phone is on 7%, you just want to get checked-in, take a shower, and recharge (mentally, physically, and your phone). 

You get into your room to find hairs in the shower (scared to know which part of the body they came from), sheets that are as thin as gas station toilet paper, and you can hear your neighbor three rooms down watching HBO. This isn’t creating the most magical travel experience, is it? I’ve been here before. And I got the hell out of dodge.

So, when traveling, I always budget to stay in nice places. I emphasize the nice here. Because nice can mean different things to different people. During most of my travels, I am bouncing around different areas (it’s the best way to explore a location, in my opinion). I always, always try to leave room in the budget for one splurge hotel. Something really nice with a soaking tub, balcony, room service, somewhere that I’m not afraid to wear the robes left in the room.

When determining what is “nice” for the other hotel stays, I focus on location, cleanliness, and safety. I can get by with minimal amenities and look forward to my fancy stay. I usually try to save the fancy stay for the very end of the trip. That way I am not disappointed when I stay somewhere else later! It is also makes for a nice way to refresh before coming home.

 From experience, I can say with confidence, that if you can financially swing it, you won’t regret staying somewhere fabulous (even just for one night).

Experience over everything

If you are traveling just to stop by a tourist attraction, snap a pic, check it off your list, and move on, you are not my kind of traveler. 

Traveling means experiencing. Experiencing new cultures, new food, new landscapes, new languages. 

 Next time you are traveling, I dare you (double-dog-dare you), to try something different. Recently my friends rode in a helicopter in Hawaii. When we were in Paris last summer, we took a vintage car tour around the city at night (talk about feeling like the rich and famous). 

The experience doesn’t even need to be expensive. When we visited the Grand Canyon, we brought pizza and wine to enjoy while overlooking the sunset. Cost about $20 total and we felt so special!

Travel in comfort

You are probably thinking “duh, why would I ever chose to be uncomfortable???” I get it. You would never intentionally make yourself uncomfortable while traveling. But whether we like it or not, it happens. That is why I am always prepared with a plan.

I pre-book everything I can. Whether that be museum tickets, dinner reservations, or even car services. Oh, yes, car services- the ultimate luxury when traveling. I didn’t grow up in a town with public transport, so it stresses me out when traveling. I melt my worries by pre-booking car services through the hotels I reserve (Airbnb hosts will help too). I arrange all pickups and drop-offs at the airport/train station. Not having to hail a taxi, explain my location in a second language, worry I am being scammed, or possibly kidnapped, is worth the price tag. And honestly, they end up being around the same price.

So, next time you travel, do yourself a favor and book the car service. They will even load your luggage for you!

When flying, if you can’t afford the first-class fancy meals but want a special experience onboard (hello eight-year-old Hayley), bring your own snacks! You can bring food through TSA. Pack a little charcuterie to go with some cheese, fruit, and crackers. Treat yourself to a glass of wine on the plane and there you go- traveling like the rich and famous!

For more tips on how to fly in comfort, check out my other blog post here. 

 Get upgrades

It always seems like the rich and famous are the ones getting complimentary upgrades, meals, and bottles of champagne- right? While you may be biased that the rich get richer, it is true that you too can get some Instagram story worthy upgrades! The secret, just ask ahead of time.

If you are celebrating your birthday, anniversary, or special occasion, let the hotel know. You may end up with a surprise bottle of wine and chocolates upon arrival, maybe a discounted spa treatment, or upgrade to a room with a view.

There may even be special amenities you aren’t aware of that could help make your trip extra memorable. The hotel may have pillow menu where you can choose from extra fluffy to lavender scented pillows. Or even a turndown service that leaves you special treats before bedtime. 

Another helpful tip is to always be nice. Simple enough, right? You would be surprised what a simple please and thank you will do when you are dealing with people that have been yelled at by the guy loudly watching HBO three doors down because he didn’t get extra towels quick enough.

The bottom line, traveling like the rich and famous isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. From closely budgeting your dollars to stay a night at the fancy hotel, to making your dream a reality with a homemade in-flight charcuterie board, the options are there and it is possible! 


How I organize and plan my travels


New home furniture {living room + master bedroom}